
Statement of the DIÄTVERBAND on the commencement of the Health Care Development Act (GVWG)

Bonn, 02 of August 2021: On June 11th, 2021, the German Bundestag passed the Health Care Development Act (Gesetz zur Weiterentwicklung der Gesundheitsversorgung - GVWG). The DIÄTVERBAND welcomes the reform of the reimbursement of specialized products for medical nutritional therapy (§ 31 Abs 5. SGB V).

Specialized products for enteral nutrition remain reimbursable

With the commencement of the GVWG, the entitlement to ONS (Oral Nutritional Supplements) and enteral tube feeding for statutorily insured persons was established. The previously applicable transitional arrangement in the form of a substitute performance by the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) from the year 2005 was herewith transferred into standard care. With this transfer, the legislature ensures a medical care recently described as running smoothly by the Federal Joint Committee (Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss - G-BA) (Fristenbericht des unparteiischen Vorsitzenden des G-BA, 2020).

The legislature’s mandate to the G-BA to compile a list of reimbursable enteral nutritional products, which would have excluded relevant to care products from reimbursement, was therefore withdrawn with the GVWG.

DIÄTVERBAND welcomes the regular evaluation of care

The G-BA is mandated to evaluate the care situation in a three-year cycle firstly in 2023. In the evaluation, the G-BA must consider the information provided by industry, medical societies and self-governing bodies on medical necessity, appropriateness, and the supply of the products. If based on its evaluation the G-BA deems adjustments necessary, these are to be regulated within two years.

The DIÄTVERBAND welcomes the inclusion of information from manufacturers in the evaluation process and looks forward to actively participating in this process to ensure the highest quality and safety in enteral nutrition in the future. Regular evaluation by the G-BA guarantees the continuous integration of innovation and quality improvement in the supply of specialized products for medical nutritional support.

The DIÄTVERBAND thanks all of those involved in the legislation for the reform of the § 31 Abs. 5 SGB V and the accompanying improvement in the care of enteral nutrition.

The elimination of the tender option can further improve care situation

To continue to ensure the stable care situation for patients with metabolic disorders and those affected by malnutrition, the DIÄTVERBAND also proposes abolishing the tender option for specialized products for enteral nutrition in § 31 Abs. 5 SGB V. This way, there would be comprehensive legal and care security in the field of enteral nutrition.

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Source: Bundesverband der Hersteller von Lebensmitteln für eine besondere Ernährung (DIÄTVERBAND) e.V.;


Download: Press release 03/2021 from August 2, 2021

For questions please contact:
Bundesverband der Hersteller von Lebensmitteln
für eine besondere Ernährung e. V.
Godesberger Allee 142 -148
53175 Bonn
Tel. 0228-30851-0
